RC26 - Human Rights

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05Dec 2019

RC 26 No 7 Newsletter. November 2019

Human Rights Research Committee 26 - IPSA


What´s inside?

  • Message  from  the  Chair,  Alexander Sungurov  

21May 2019

RC 26 No 6 Newsletter. April 2019

Human Rights Research Committee 26 - IPSA


What´s inside?

  • Message  from  the  Chair,  Alexander Sungurov  

24Feb 2019

Madrid IPSA RC26 human rights symposium



“Current issues on human rights”

International Symposium

List of accepted abstract



Welcoming speeches photos

Welcomimg speeches video


Panel on 70th annivesary of Universal Declaration of human rights photos

Panel on 70th anniversary of Universal Declaratrion on human rights video


Panel on civil rights photos

Panel on civil rights video


Panel on social rights photos

Panel on social rights video


Panel on political rights photos

Panel on political rights video


Panel on cultural rights photos


Panel on UN SDG and GCM photos


Conclusive speeches photos


Call for papers

The 70thanniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a good reason to reflect. Nowadays, there is certain ambiguity as to whether human rights are a moral, political or legal concept. What are the specific consequences of enforcing rights in these particular classifications. United Nations’ bodies defend the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of human rights, but there is no unanimous agreement with these characteristics. 

Regarding civil rights, technology provides new problems and dimensions to free speech and privacy rights. It is sometimes thought that old concepts must be partly redefined or complete new approaches are required.  

Concerning political rights, the disaffection of the citizens to politics is increasing and there is a demand of more deliberation and participation while a clear politicians’ accountability is required. Political rights must be properly understood within the framework of a democracy of quality.

With regard to social rights, the entitlement and complete enforcement of these types of rights is often controversial. The classical issue is if social rights should be attributed universally or only to people in need. Or what is the kind of interdependence between liberal rights and social rights.

In relation to cultural rights, the role of minorities is diverse in different societies, but it is usually presented as a struggle against assimilation. The recognition of differentiated identities sometimes has to face criticisms from autonomy or gender equality.


This Symposium will be organised in 6 panels, which topics are: a) 70thanniversary Universal Declaration; b) Civil rights; c) Political rights; d) Social Rights; e) Cultural rights; d) UN Sustainable Development Goals and UN Global Compact for Migration. Each panel will have a Chair and a Discussant.


Abstracts (up to 400 words) and other information queries should be sent to oscar.perez@uc3m.esThe deadline to send abstracts is 25 April 2019. Confirmation of abstract acceptance will be communicated by 30 Abril 2019. The deadline by which to receive complete papers for publication is 15 October 2019.  

This international Symposium will be held at the Carlos III University, Getafe, Madrid, Spain on 23-24 May 2019(University website:https://www.uc3m.es/Home).




Research Committee 26 on human rights. IPSA International Political Science Association.

Department of International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law. Carlos III University of Madrid. 

Human Rights Institute Bartolomé de las CasasCarlos III University of Madrid.


02Nov 2018

RC26 Newsletter no. 5, October 2018

Human Rights Research Committee 26 - IPSA

Newsletter no. 5 October 2018

What´s inside?

  • Message  from  the  Chair,  Alexander Sungurov  

09May 2018

RC26 Newsletter No. 4, April 2018

Human Rights Research Committee 26 - IPSA

Newsletter No. 4, April 2018

What´s inside?

  • Message  from  the  Chair,  Mikyoung Kim 

07Nov 2017

RC26 Newsletter No. 3, October 2017

Human Rights Research Committee 26 - IPSA

Newsletter No. 3, October 2017

What´s inside?

  • Message  from  the  Chair,  Mikyoung Kim 

04Oct 2017

Call for papers - IPSA RC26 Interim Workshop CFP

IPSA RC26 (Human Rights Research Committee) is organizing a workshop on crimes against humanity with a focus on war time sexual violence on November 3 at Chungang University in Seoul, KoreaI (read more here).

22May 2017

RC26 Newsletter No. 2, April 2017

Human Rights Research Committee 26 - IPSA

Newsletter No. 2, April 2017

What´s inside?

•  Message  from  the  Chair,  Mikyoung Kim 
•  Reflections on the release of a prisoner of conscience, Eric Palmer  
•  How  I  got  into  human  rights scholarship, Henry Krisch 
•  Call for Papers 
•  Articles, Books  
•  Links, Information 

Call for conference

Additionally, you can find a call for the Sixth Annual International Conference of the Department of Applied Politics, “The October Readings” from the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, St. Petersburg Russian Political Science Association, with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Branch in Russia.

10Feb 2017

Call for chapter authors

Call for Chapter Authors

State, Religion and Muslims. Between Discrimination and Protection at the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Levels


Dr. Melek Saral

Dr. Serif Onur Bahcecik

To be published by the Foundation for Migration Studies [1]

[1] The Foundation for Migration Studies is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Ankara, Turkey (www.gocvakfi.com). The Foundation’s mission is to conduct research and disseminate information on social, cultural and political problems of migrant populations.

We are looking for contributors to a peer-reviewed edited book on discrimination against and protection of Muslims in Western countries. The volume seeks to throw light on:

  • The general legal framework for the prevention and punishment of discrimination
  • The national and international legislation giving rise to discrimination or setting the framework with respect to non-discrimination
  • Administrative practices that cause or diminish discrimination
  • Judicial decisions that are relevant to discrimination against Muslims

Each chapter should be between 18000-20000 words and deal with a single country: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

Topics to be covered for each chapter are: Education, Employment, Exercise of Religion, State Relations with Religious Communities, Hate Crime and Hate Speech.

Researchers are invited to submit a 1-page chapter proposal and a current CV by March 15, 2017. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by March 30, 2017 about the status of their proposals, and will be sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by July 15, 2017.

Chapter authors will be paid an honorarium after submitting a final version of the work.

Please see the full call at https://goo.gl/sE9bj7

Contact Info: Serif Onur Bahcecik bahcecik@metu.edu.tr

06Nov 2016

Bylaws RC26-IPSA

Below you can find useful information about RC26: mission, membership, organization and offices, business meetings, elections and amendments.

25Oct 2016

RC26 Newsletter No. 1, October 2016

Human Rights Research Committee 26 - IPSA

Newsletter No. 1,  October 2016 

What’s Inside 
•  Message from the Chair  
•  IAPSS Student Research Essay 
•  Santos’ Peace Nobel Prize Essay 
•  Call for Papers 
•  Articles, Books  
•  Links, Information 

06Aug 2016

Statement on Academic Freedom

The members of IPSA RC 26 (Human Rights) have duly noted with deep regret that many of our Turkish colleagues and participants who were scheduled to attend and participate in RC 26 panels, had to resign and withdraw from the 2016 IPSA World Congress due to a travel ban imposed by the current Turkish government. RC 26 suffered from unexpected panel cancelations due to the recent travel ban.

In accordance with the IPSA Executive Committee statement (on this website), RC 26 is deeply concerned about the rising global trend of undermining academic freedom. RC 26 is also concerned about restricting freedom to travel in order to pursue academic activities and individual liberties of our Turkish colleagues. 

We stand for human rights not only in academic terms of teaching and research, but also in exercising it on a day- to- day basis. Therefore we show great solidarity with our Turkish colleagues and demand the government to change its course of action and restore and respect academic freedoms and human rights.

13Apr 2015

Workshop on teaching human rights

Pre-convention Workshop on Teaching Human Rights APSA Organized Section on Human Rights

September 2, 2015

This one-day workshop, held one day before the 2015 Annual APSA Convention, will focus on teaching human rights in Political Science. Our goal is to share best practices and discuss challenges through a series of panel discussions and subfield-focused working groups. One goal of the workshop is to create the basis for an online resource for all section members containing updated examples of syllabi (something we had done long ago but which has fallen aside) as well as links, ideas, and resources for teachers.

Tentative schedule of events:

12:45 pm welcome and introductions 1:00-2:00 Panel A – Challenges of teaching human rights (Three panelists will speak for no more than 10 minutes about some challenges they have faced in their courses; we then open up for a floor discussion). 2:00 – 2:15 Coffee break 2:30 – 3:30 Panel B – Best practices in teaching human rights (Three or four panelists will speak for no more than 10 minutes about some innovative or effective practice or pedagogy they have developed for their human rights teaching; we then open up for a floor discussion). 3:30 -3:45 Coffee break 4:00-5:30 Subfield working groups. Participants will split into subfield working groups (Theory, IR, Comparative Politics, American Politics) for more focused discussions on the challenges they face in their own areas. The theory working group, e.g., will discuss the interest in a reader for courses in human rights theory and what the content and features of such a text might be. 5:30 pm Wrap up and thanks

Participants will be paid an honorarium of $175 to cover one night of conference hotel.

Those who are interested should submit the application form listed below with a copy of their CV to both Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat, zehra.arat@uconn.edu and Michael Goodhart, goodhart@pitt.edu, by typing “Workshop on Teaching Human Rights” in the subject area, by April 26, 2015.

Please feel free to forward this message to all who may be interested. Thank you.


Application Form for Pre-convention Workshop on Teaching Human Rights

Full Name: Institution: Member of the Human Rights Section: Yes e-mail address: Phone number: Please list the names of human rights courses, their level and number of times you offered them: Course title Level (e.g., grad, upper-level undergrad, undergrad intro.) Number of times offered

Please check what applies to the role that you would like play during the panel sessions:

     I would like to be a speaker in the first panel (challenges in teaching human rights).
     I would like to be a speaker in the second panel (innovations in teaching human rights).
     I can be a speaker for either panel.
     I do not wish to be a panelist.

Please indicate which subfield group discussion that you would like to attend:

     American Politics
     Comparative Politics
     International Relations
     Political Theory

The Political Theory subgroup will work on the content of a possible reader for courses that focus on theories of human rights. If you wish to attend another subgroup meeting, on what would you like the group to focus?

Would be interested in serving as the moderator for the subgroup session? Yes No Do you have any comments or suggestions that would like to share with us?

12Apr 2015

more on IPSA 2016

REMINDER: Invitation to collaborate with Main Theme Chairs

Dear RC Chairs, Co-Chairs and officers,

Today I address you in order to inform you about the progress of preparation of the 2016 IPSA Congress and the Main Theme Panels.

The call for panels and papers for the 2016 IPSA Congress in Istanbul should be going 'live' on May 20, 2015. In the meantime, the statements for the various Main Theme subsections of the Congress are available at: https://www.ipsa.org/world-congress-istanbul-2016.

In order to maximize synergies between the RC sessions and Main Theme sessions I would urge you to contact the chair of the relevant Main Theme session to exchange information and plans. Sometimes at previous Congresses there has been duplication across the different session types because of lack of communication between the relevant chairs. This time we are hoping that lines of communication can be opened up as soon as possible. To give but one example, it would be wonderful if the chairs of the various public policy and structure of government RCs could contact Chan Wook Park, who is chairing the public policy and administration Main Theme subsection.

The full list of Main Theme Chairs and their contact details are as follows:

MT01 Comparative Politics, Democracy and Regime Types Chair: Marianne Kneuer - kneuer@uni-hildesheim.de

MT02 Identity Politics, Social and National Movements Chair: Linda Cardinal - linda.cardinal@uottawa.ca

MT03 International Political Economy and Globalisation Chair: Mark Kesselman - mjk3@columbia.edu

MT04 – International Relations Chair: David A. Baldwin - dbaldwin@Princeton.EDU

MT05 Political Institutions and Civic Engagement Chair: Rieko Kage - kage@waka.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp

MT06 Political Theory Chair: Terrell Carver - t.carver@bristol.ac.uk

MT07 Public Policy and Administration Chair: Chan Wook Park - chwpark@snu.ac.kr

Please note that you will receive detailed information on the submission process and procedures for the participation of IPSA Research Committees at the 24th IPSA World Congress from the IPSA congress team on May 20, 2015.

We invite you to visit the IPSA website as of May 20, 2015 for information on the call for papers, important dates and registration!

The Program Committee is thankful four your cooperation!

Best regards,

Marianne Kneuer (Chair Committee on Research and Training) kneuer@uni-hildesheim.de

12Apr 2015

IPSA 2016 Call

The Research Committee on Human Rights (RC 26) of IPSA encourages its members, and other interested scholars of human rights, to consider a panel or paper proposal for the 2016 IPSA meeting, scheduled for July 23-28, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The main theme of the conference will be Politics in a World of Inequality. Proposals may focus on this main theme or on other human rights issues, some of which are listed in the conference announcement.

The call for papers opens on May 20, 2015.

The RC 26 will propose a number of panels to be listed under its heading. Proposals for papers/panels should follow IPSA guidelines; please inform the RC by e-mail to its current chair, Anje Mihr ( a.mihr@uu.nl ) and the current secretary, Henry Krisch henrykrisch@gmail.com.

Further information will be available at IPSA’s web site for the conference, http://www.ipsa.org/world-congress-istanbul-2016

Participants will need to be IPSA members.

25Mar 2015

Hague Conference June 2015

RC26 4th Joint Conference - Human Rights and Justice The Hague Institute for Global Justice The Hague, Netherlands Google Maps 1 8 June, 2015 - 10 June, 2015

The Hague Institute for Global Justice 8 – 10 June 2015 4th joint conference, organized by:

Human Rights Section, International Studies Association (ISA) Human Rights Section, American Political Science Association (APSA) Human Rights Research Committee, International Political Science Association (IPSA) Standing Group on Human Rights and Transitional Justice, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

In association with:

The Hague Institute for Global Justice (THIGJ) Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) International Human Rights Law Interest Group, European Society of International Law (ESIL) Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Interest Group, American Society of International Law (ASIL)

The human rights sections of the International Studies Association , the American Political Science Association, the European Consortium for Political Research, the International Political Science Association are pleased to announce the fourth joint international conference on human rights, on the theme “Human Rights and Justice ” to take place 8-10 June 2015 at The Hague Institute for Global Justice. The conference will take place immediately before the annual meeting of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (11 – 13 June), also in The Hague.

Contemporary human rights research and promotion encompasses the application and implementation of international human rights norms, standards as well as legal and political binding treaties. Yet, this is only one side of the coin of what we often claim human rights to achieve: justice. Apart from being a complex concept based on human rights and the rule of law, justice is closely linked to the full development, promotion and fulfilment of human rights and people. It moreover depends on the procedures of good governance and equal access mechanisms installed that can realize justice on a daily basis. Justice is a general notion that can be achieved through, i.e. a human rights based approach or legal and political instruments and mechanism.

This joint conference will ask researchers and policymakers from academia, think tanks, IOs and NGOs to deal with various aspects of justice and human rights. Papers should highlight how and to what extent human rights in all aspects and levels of governance, law and decision making allow or deny access to justice. This may include questions regarding whether and to what extent the international human rights regime can address adequately the challenges of human rights implementation and justice, as well as how regional, national, and local mechanisms may address human rights challenges. Paper and panel proposals that also address the issues such as climate justice, transitional justice or cyber justice as well as access to justice and global distributive justice are welcome. Some of the questions to be addressed at the conference include:

   Are human rights and justice always compatible?
   How do we conceptualize the relationship between human rights and justice?
   What role does global distributive justice play in advancing human rights?
   How do we ensure that domestic justice systems address a wide range of human rights issues?
   Are international justice institutions (e.g. International Criminal Court, European Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Court, African Court on Human and People’s Rights) adequate for addressing human rights issues?
   How have norms regarding justice and human rights evolved?

The conference format will be a mixture of small panels with plenary keynote sessions. We hope that small panels will facilitate discussion and interchange among the participants, and the overall conference format will contribute to an intimate and relaxed experience.

This conference is being held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council on the United Nations System, which will have as its theme “The United Nations at 70: Guaranteeing Security and Justice.” Individuals registering for one conference will be eligible for a 20% discount on registration for the other conference. More information will be provided.

Conference Chairs Anja Mihr, The Hague Institute for Global Justice & Utrecht University Kurt Mills, University of Glasgow

Program Committee Alison Brysk, University of California, Santa Barbara Melissa Labonte, Fordham University

For more information please contact:

Program: HumanRightsandJusticeProgram@gmail.com 2 Registration: HumanRightsandJusticeReg@gmail.com 3 Other conference questions: HumanRightsandJustice2015@gmail.com 4

Source URL: http://www.ipsa.org/news/event/rc26-4th-joint-conference-human-rights-and-justice

Links: 1 http://maps.google.nl?q=%2C+The+Hague%2C+%2C+nl 2 mailto:HumanRightsandJusticeProgram@gmail.com 3 mailto:HumanRightsandJusticeReg@gmail.com 4 mailto:HumanRightsandJustice2015@gmail.com

18Jun 2014

Important: Business meeting &new nominations

During the 23rd World Congress, RC 26 will be holding its business meeting on Monday July 21st, between 17:00-18:45 in Room 447.

As the current Chair-elect Anja Mihr will be replacing me as Chair, our Secretary Mikyoung Kim will move up to the position of Chair-elect. Consequently, we will be voting for a new candidate as Secretary and also for a new member -at -large, since the second and last term of our friend Alexander Sungurov will be up. Please nominate your candidates by e-mailing the name(s) to the Chair.

15Jun 2014

World Congress Panels

Panels organized by the Research Committee on Human Rights for the 23rd World Congress of Political Science, 19-24 July 2014 in Montreal :

Citizenship, Justice and Social Rights :Sunday July 20th, 11:00-12:45, Palais des Congres, Room 521c

Transitional Justice and Democratization: New Comparative Dimensions: Sunday July 20th, 17:00-18:45, Palais des Congres, Room 521b

Governmental and Non-governmental Human Rights Institutions in Democracy and Transitional Countries: Monday July 21st, 9:00-10.45, Palais des Congres Room 521a

Uses and Misuses of Human Rights: Monday July 21st, 11:00-12:45, Palais des Congres, Room 521a

Theory and Practice of Human Rights throughout Regions: Tuesday July 22nd, 11:00-12:45, Palais des Congres, Room 521b

Governance through Human Rights and Refugee Rights: Thursday July 24th, 15:00-16:45, Palais des Congres, Room 519b


12Feb 2014

Human Rights and Change: Program announced!

The complete program of the "Human Rights and Change" conference that will take place in Istanbul in June 2014 can be accessed through the following link: http://www.isanet.org/Conferences/HRIstanbul2014/Program.aspx

29Sep 2013

Deadline for Montréal 2014 closing in!

This is a reminder to all those who would like to submit: a)paper proposals for IPSA's upcoming 23d World Congress in Montréal. RC 26 will welcome papers on comparative human rights, governance through human rights, regional human rights institutions and mechanisms, transitional justice and democratization, and refugee rights as human rights-especially with regard to South Asia. b) closed panel proposals with chair, discussant, and 4-6 paper givers.


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